Saturday, September 10, 2011

Top 5 outrageous quotes.

We all have favored quotes to call on for inspiration, spirituality or for use as brain teasers.  Below are my top five favorite outrageous quotes offered for their comedic value and followed by a few more serious thoughts on how to apply them in our otherwise mundane lives.

Frank Sinatra

It's hard to summarize the man better than Brett and Kate have over at The Art of Manliness, but I'll give it a shot.  For a time, Frank Sinatra was the American singer and actor, making his career in the swing era and going on to produce hits such as L.A. Is My Lady and Strangers in the Night.  Frankie was the cool cat, the man with swagger, the man who knew how to throw a party.  His quote opens the list at no. 5:

“I feel bad for people who don’t drink, when they wake up... that’s the best they're going to feel all day.”

If you knew nothing else about Frank Sinatra, know that he was a man who knew how to have a good time! Whether you enjoy the occasional drink or live the life of a teetotaler, take a lesson from Frankie and find a way to liven up every part of your life, from morning to night.

Herbert Hoover

Raised by a blacksmith, grown to an engineer, 31st president Herbert Clark Hoover enters the list with instant geek cred. In addition to his public works projects during the great depression, Hoover also played his hand at humanitarian efforts during World War I by organizing the return of over 120,000 Americans from war-ravaged Europe. He also liked to fish. A lot. Hoovers quote comes in fourth on the list:

“All men are equal before fish.”

Initially the quote comes across as humorous. Fish? Really? What a low opinion of humanity this man must have had! Not so. The quote is from a number of lines in a speech he delivered in Florida in 1951. In it he recounts his joy of fishing and the importance of the fishing industry to the economy.

What should we take away form this quote? Rich or poor, with a pole in hand all men are equal before fish.

Barney Stinson

Played by Neil Patrick Harris, Barney is a serial womanizer in the tv show How I Met Your Mother. Barney is seldom seen not wearing a suit and enjoys stirring up crazy situations just to see how they play out. He seems to have an opinion on every subject and is always willing to offer his often hypocritical advice to anyone who will listen. The over confidant and slightly narcissistic character delivers an unforgettable line that takes the no. 3 spot on the quote list:

“When I'm sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead.”

A better example of overwhelming bravado there is none. Take it to heart, when ever the black dog of depression begins to snip at your heels, pump some iron, pursue a hobby or lavish a gift on a loved one.  Find activities to better yourself and you will feel like superman in no time. There is no reason to be sad when you can be awesome instead!

Salvador Domènec Felip Jacint Dalí i Domènech, Marquis de Púbol
Or as he is more commonly known – Salvador Dali

Dali was a surrealist painter of great renown and my personal favorite artist. He counted Walt Disney, Alfred Hitchcock and Sigmund Freud among his friends, all of whom regarded him fondly. Aside from his works, Dali is perhaps best known for his eccentricities and his mustache. The man was absolutely crazy in ways that would make Charlie Sheen blush. As an example: it is said that while courting Gala (wife of Paul Eluard, later wife of Salvador Dali), he had covered himself in feces and professed his love to her on a beach, just to get her attention. It worked. The two were married shortly after and Gala became the primary inspiration for many of his pieces. Dali eventually began signing his paintings with both their names, stating that "It is mostly with your blood, Gala, that I paint my pictures".  Dali's works are displayed proudly in museums the world over, and at least one is dedicated to the man himself.

Then there is the mustache. A character in itself, its flamboyant style embodied that of its owner, thrusting into the air with nothing less than total defiance of all laws (gravity, in this case). It was a hard choice, but Dali's outrageous quote comes in 2nd place (though really tied for 1st) on the list:

“At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since.”

If this mans ambition were displayed as a function graph, it would surely be taken to the limit of infinity and beyond. What should be taken from this? Never let anything curb your ambition. Varied though his life was, it wasn't without hardship and loss. In spite of the obstacles presented to him, Dali went on to become the cult icon of surrealist art, producing over 1500 paintings in his career and many other works of art in photography and motion pictures.

First place was a hard choice. In life, Dali takes the cake for over-the-top actions and eccentricity. When it comes to quotes to remember, I must cede the top slot to an advertising campaign by Euro RSCG for the Dos Equis beer brand. Or as you may know Him:

The Most Interesting Man in the World

Played by equally-interesting actor Jonathan Goldsmith, The Most Interesting Man in the World is introduced by Frontlines Will Lyman describing seemingly unbelievable facts and experiences. While the tone is comical, we might learn something if we take after His example. The Most Interesting Man in the World comes in 1st place with a selection of three quotes on a variety of subjects:

On Speed Dating: "I assure you, most women would not consider speed a virtue."
On Self-Defense: "The right look should suffice." [Gives an intimidating stare]
On Life: "It's never too early to start beefing up your obituary."

Though they are engineered to be outrageous and comical we can apply them in the real world. Men, take your time with your women. The quote suggests reading between the lines, but take it literally. Put some thought and care into your actions when doing something for your woman. A hastily purchased bouquet of flowers wrapped in cellophane with the Wal-Mart price tag still attached wont make near the impression that a trimmed, custom-design bouquet of roses hand-picked just for her will.

Any good stock broker will tell you that its never too early to start expanding your portfolio. Your obituary is no different. Looking past the comedy: none of us is going to live forever, make the time you spend here prosperous and exciting, in spite of all odds if you have to. Along these lines, when faced with a decision I like to apply the Ten Year Rule: In ten years if you were to look back on this situation, what choice would you have wished you made? It makes decisions easier, such as asking that beautiful girl to dance, even when you know you have two left feet!

Have a quote you would like to add? Submit it below!

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